Penka Shishmanova1, Aleksandrina Aleksandrova2*, Elitsa Petkova3

1Prof, PhD, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics Svishtov, BULGARIA,

2Assist. prof., PhD, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics Svishtov, BULGARIA,

3PhD Student, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics Svishtov, BULGARIA,



Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have a broad impact on countries' economies. ICTs are the means that ensure the digital transformation of business and the economy. Digitalisation has a direct impact on the labour market. It creates new requirements for the training of personnel, expressed in the prioritization of competencies in the field of information and communication technologies. An even bigger change, as a result of the introduction of digital technologies in business, is the emergence of new and the disappearance of some existing professions. This, in turn, digitalisation poses a number of challenges to education related to creating and enhancing the knowledge and skills of learners at all levels. The education system has a key role in building basic digital skills that serve as a fundament for adapting the workforce to new labour market conditions.

The new reality on the labour market, requires transformation and modernization of the labour resources competence profile. This should become a permanent process of acquiring, updating, improving and upgrading knowledge and skills, integrating the specifics of digital technologies. Understanding and realizing these needs, as well as the need for adequate action in this direction, are key to the successful adaptation of human resources to a dynamically changing labour market environment.

In the process of clarifying the direct relationship between the education and training of specialists in economics, administration and management, their digital competencies and the labour market, the authors of this study focused on issues related to professional competence, types of competencies and skills that are formed in the process of education in higher education. In addition, they investigated the concept of adaptability of the educational process to new economic challenges. The authors also studied the formation of the professional competence of future economists in the adaptive-digital environment of higher education.

In order to meet the needs imposed by the process of digital transformation, the education system must implement technological advances, digital solutions, and innovations within a certain period. In this sense, the construction of digital and related skills and competencies of the population, respectively the workforce, should be among the main goals of formal education, incl. higher education, and to become an integral part of the curricula. In particular, the higher education system is directly responsible for creating conditions and models for the transfer of new knowledge, technologies and competencies required by the labour market. In higher schools, the fundamental skills of each specialist are formed, incl. cognitive abilities, contributing to the rapid acquisition of new knowledge; functional skills that contribute to the performance of specific activities specific to individual professions, and basic knowledge - a set of principles and facts that are handled in career development in the respective professional field.

Establishing a viable and adaptable to the constantly-changing requirements of the labour market system of higher education requires a change in the conceptual model of the system itself. The adaptive educational environment of higher educational institutions (HEIs) is defined as an innovative integrative system, including educational activities based on ICT; innovative teaching methods; learning technologies; technical means that facilitate the learning process; adequate information and resource provision. In addition, all this should be in accordance with the potential and needs of students. It is necessary to focus not only on the technical means of teaching in the digital environment but also on the technology of teaching, teacher training, preparation of curricula and disciplines, development of new digital learning content and more.

In the conditions of adaptive digital environment, HEIs are forced to adapt to the education and training of specialists in a timely manner, despite the fast pace of penetration of digital technologies in the labour market compared to educational institutions. For this reason, the efforts of university professionals to prepare teaching materials that are adequate and reflective of the changes in the real economy are an extremely important factor in the training of specialists in economics, administration, and management. The determining factor for the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence of economists, in this case, is the achieved level of digitalisation and the use of innovative tools, teaching aids, teaching methods and more.

It is obvious that the digital transformation leads to fundamental and complex changes in the way business processes are carried out. These changes are an important factor for the development of the economy and are related to the emergence of new services and sectors, the creation of new jobs, but also qualitative changes in the necessary characteristics of the workforce. The ability to work with e-mail, social networks and other mobile platforms is no longer a competitive advantage for a potential worker. In addition, skills need to be constantly upgraded and improved due to the rapid pace of digital technology development.

Keywords: digital transformation, labour, education, higher education



CITATION:Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 13-14 June 2022

ISBN: 978-605-06286-6-1